Saturday, January 26, 2008

Busy, as usual

I know I've been slacking off in my posts, but I have an excuse. I have been really busy. But that probably doesn't suprise anyone.

Here's an update on my New Year's Resolutions:

-Practice the clarinet more
Well, that hasn't worked out too well. It's still variable how much practicing time I get in each day. That's really disappointing to me since I'm going into music and all, but some things - like IB- just can't be helped

-Walk the dog ever single day
Once again, it's hit and miss. I've been doing it more often, but when it's really cold outside, I just can't seem to get myself out the door.

-Cut back on soda
As if anyone really thought that I could do that anyways. In my defense, I havebeen drinking a lot more "healthier" drinks, including lots of juices with vitamin C

- Make sure I relax and not completely stress out over IB
That's impossible.

- Go to Bio/English on time
I've been doing it!!! And it's highly exciting showing up for class on time!!

In other news:

This week I've completed 3 major things. I did my English oral commentary on Wednesday. It went really well. Meaning, of course, that I could have done better, but it wasn't horendous. I got an extract from Dubliners, specifically A Little Cloud. Then on Thursday I did my Spanish oral presentation. I was so unbelievably nervous! I managed to get through Part 1 without any problems and parts 2/3 were ok. I threw grammar out the window in the last 2 parts. And today I had my All-County auditions, which I was using as a practice for my college auditions. It went really well. I loved my judge! She was really nice, and talked with me for a while about myself, and other music teachers that we both knew. It was great! She hadn't heard the solo before either, so that may ahve helped a little. I ended up with a 100!! Plus, the judge gave me her business card so I could contact her with any questions!

So now over the rest of break, I need to clean-up both of my World Lit Papers and my HOA IA and finish up some Bio work. And do a litle something called practicing.

I've got my first college audition next Friday! I'm a little nervous, but I'm doing the same piece that I just did for All-County so I'm feeling pretty confident. Plus now that I know how I sound on it when I get nervous, I know what to work on!

And I can't wait for the band trip to Florida!!! It's going to be so exciting!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Yes, it IS a sport!

Here's some evidence that shows that yes, field band/drum corp IS a sport....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2008! Most people make resolutions around this time of year. Try to lose weight, study harder, read books they've wanted to, exercise more, etc etc. And they usually fizzle out within the first week. Many people say that's because the goals are too broad and impossible to reach. And that's probably true. I think it might also be because people think that if they mess up once, they should just stop. That's not the case at all. Since you're going to mess up anyways, when you make your resolutions you should keep that in mind. And don't be too hard on yourself when you slip up. It happens to everyone. Just keep trying!

My resolutions? Well, I haven't really thought through any major resolutions. I wasn't planning on making any this year. Mainly I'm going to try to do the things I'm doing more often and on a more frequent basis. I guess here's my "list":

-Practice my clarinet more
-Walk the dog every single day
-Cut back on soda (okay, I really doubt that's going to happen)
-Make sure I take time to relax and not go completely insane over IB

Then there are other things, like apply for scholarships, put more effort into Bio homework, show up to Bio on time, that I need to do whether I want to or not.

And maybe, just maybe, I might start exercising again (GASP)! Although I'll probably count walking the dog as my daily exercise (I'll write about that in another entry)

"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves." -Bill Vaughan