Sunday, December 30, 2007

Extreme Laundry

I just had a realization. Laundry should be considered a sport. At least, the way I do laundry should be considered a sport. Why? Because I (apparently) have an inability to do laundry on a regular basis. So I end up waiting a few weeks before I do laundry. This ends up being a big mistake for several reasons:

* My laundry basket is only so big. And my basket is pretty big to begin with

* When I have guests over, I have to pick up all my dirty laundry that has been piling up on my bedroom floor because there wasn't anymore room in the basket

* I end up shoving all the dirty clothes into a huge heap on one end of my closet- usually it's an overflowing mess out of the basket

*I finally decided to do laundry. Now I have to carry it downstairs. This is a muscle building excercise as I usually have to carry the large basket and 1-2 smaller baskets to get all the laundry down

*It requires agility because I have to squeeze through several doorways with the large basket without dropping any clothes

*I usually end up doing 3-4 loads of laundry in one day because I've put it off for so long. And then there are still some clothes left over because there wasn't enough for one more load.

* After I've exhausted myself with the lifting and sorting (yes, I'm being over dramatic), then I have to haul all the clothes back upstairs, fold them and put them away.

*I have to get them put away before they get wrinkled (that didn't work out last time.....can you say iron?)

*On top of all that, I wait until 5pm to start this process. Oops!

One of my New Years Resolutions? Creating a new laundry method!

"After ecstasy, the laundry." ~Zen teaching

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