Sunday, December 9, 2007

Dome video and College Visit

I got a copy of the Dome video the other day. I think it was Thursday. But that's not really revelant. It actually turned out quite nice. The quality was a lot better than the ones in the past. We sounded really good and they didn't show too many spots of us marching, so I couldn't tell. All in all, I thought it was good.

The other day I went on another college visit to Roberts Wesleyan for their Music Preview Day. I really enjoyed the visit. During the registration time I hung out with some other prospectives, and it turned out that 3 of us were all wearing the same chromatic watch (it's a music geek thing). The first class I went to was Music Theory I where they discussed phrasings and then reviewed for the final exam. it was scary because they actually use the same textbook we're using in class. After that I watched a presentation by an admissions counselour on the college. Then I watched a clarinet lesson with the professor (I've had a lesson with her before) and that was very interesting. The really cool 2 parts were next. We got to listen to a student and faculty recital which was awesome. They had a woodwind quinet, clarinet soloist, classical vocal and jazz vocal and a piano duet. I then went to lunch and discussed a ton of stuff with the clarinet professor (and another prospective clarinet student). Then I was talking with another professor about 'Dido and Aenas' so that was awesome. Next I had Music History and Literature II where they talked about Berlioz (memories of All-State) and Mendelssohn (I'm giong to see a performance of Elijah soon, and we're playing Fingal's Cave in YO). Next I watched the Men's Chorus rehearsal for a bit then went on a tour of a dorm room and the new library. Finally I got to watch the Wind Ensemble rehearsal. Oh my goodness. They are incredible. They started out with Sleigh Ride and it sounded AMAZING (especially compared to EHS playing it) then they did Russian Christmas Music (which we did last year). They sounded great. All in all, it's going to be very difficult to decide where I want to go to college. It's going to involve a lot of prayer, and some serious financial aid issues.

Yesterday I went to Lauren's birthday party which was at one of the many coffee shops in the area. I hadn't been to this one and it was great. Plus I got to hang out with some people I hadn't seen in FOREVER. Happy birthday Lauren!

Today I played a solo (w/ CD) in Church. I hadn't done one in a while, so I was really nervous. It went great and I'm very thankful to God for that.

This week I'm actually going to be at school on Friday! WOW! However, I'm taking a field trip with the other Bio students on Wednesday, so I'm having another 4 day week. Unless of course we get a snow day or something tomorrow. Which would be very cool. Except for the fact we'd have to figure out a way to reschedule the band concert. But that's fine with me.

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