Thursday, July 17, 2008

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

I have officially finished my fifth book of the summer!! Yay!! It was my goal to finish "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by this weekend, and I managed to get it done before, making me that much happier. As I said in my post, it was a very odd book. Overall, not one of my favorites, but very interesting. It gives a lot of different things for the reader to think about. The story surrounds the like of Dorian Gray, a young man who has a picture of himself that ages, while he himself remains young. It's really a story about growing up, experimenting with different philosophies and the impact a person's life has on the world. In the end, you can take from it what you want, just as you can with most books. I don't want to say too much about it, it's a book you have to read for yourself.

As I mentioned, I did purchase two more books the other day at Barnes and Noble. I'm not adding them to my official list, unless I actually start reading them.

"The House That George Built: With A Little Help From Irving, Cole and A Crew of Fifty" by Wilfrid Sheed

"Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller (the same guy that wrote "Blue Like Jazz")

The next book I'm going to start reading is "The Double" by Jose Saramago. I'm also in the middle of "The Rest is Noise" by Alex Ross and "Musicophilia" by Oliver Sacks. For those you just tuning in, here's my reading list, this time broken up into 4 parts. The top part are ones I definately want to read this summer, the second part ones I'm hoping to read, the third part oens I eventually need to try to read and the bottom the ones I've finished.

***The Ones I Definately Want To Read***
"The Double" by Jose Saramago
"The Rest is Noise" by Alex Ross
"Musicophilia" by Oliver Sacks
"Julius Caesar" by William Shakesperare
"Split Ends" by Kristin Billerbeck
"What To Listen for in Music" by Aaron Copland
"The Problem of Pain" by CS Lewis
"Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action" by J. Matthew Sleeth

**The Ones I'm Hoping to Read***
"The House that George Built: With A Little Help From Irving, Cole and a Crew of Fifty" by Wilfrid Sheed
"Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller
"The Seuss, The Whole Seuss and Nothing But the Seuss" by Charles D Coben
"Silas Marner" George Eliot
"C.S. Lewis" by Sam Wellman

**The Ones I Need to Read Eventually**
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde and other stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Roots - Alex Haley
David copperfield - Charles Dickens
Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
Wives and Daughters - Elizabeth Gaske

**The Ones I've Read**
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
Sundays at Tiffany's - James Patterson
Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

**Recommened by Friends** (okay, so I added another section)
Crime and Punishment by Feodor Dostoyevsky
Notes from the Underground by Feodor Dostoyevsky
The World According to Garp by John Irving
Persuasion by Jane Austin
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglass Adams

Any other recommendations anyone?

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