Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy to Blah?

This weekend has been a whirlwind of activities, which has been great but exhausting.

Friday afternoon Carole came over for a bit to hang out. I always love seeing her. While she was her, my order of the second season of psych arrived, so we watched the Spanish Soap Opera episode (Lights, Camera...Homicidio!), and after dinner we made some cookie cakes. Just as she was leaving, Zoe showed up for the Monk/Psych season premiere get together at my house. Get together as defined by 2 people coming over to my house. But hey, he took some pictures with a pineapple, so it's all good. You ave to watch Psych to understand the pineapple thing. That was fun, and Zoe stayed the night. A couple hours after she left, Tom-tom and Abby showed up because I had some stuff to deliver to Tom-tom from someone else (long story). Anyways, I played with Abby for a bit, and my Dad beat Tom-tom at a game of pool and it was nice to get caught up with her. A few hours after that, I went to see a community production of Into the Woods. I like the show, and Peter's uncle was in it, so he (meaning Peter) told me I should go see it. It was good, but I have to say, I still favor the East High version (not that I have any bias) they did my freshman year.

Today I had nursery duty at church. Always exciting, because you never know what is going to happen. There were 5 babies, but thankfully my friends Lauren and Jenny came down (My mom and I were the only ones scheduled) and then Steph showed up part way through. Yet somehow I got stuck with the 2 oldest, and therefore, heaviest girls. I swear, they're older than 18 months (which is the upper age limit). And one of them was not happy to be put on the floor. I finally got her down about hallway through the service, and then the other one wanted to be held. So I would pick her up for 2 min and then put her down, simply because she didn't need to be held. So she'd wait about 5 min, and come back. She never asked anyone else. My arms were so sore afterwards. After church I took a much needed nap, then met up with Sarah Jane for coffee, or in our case, for mochas. It was my first time ever having a mocha. I'm not a big coffee fan. It was nice to get caught up with her, and we did a lot of college talking.

I've been doing a little reading, and I've started "The Double". It has a really interesting style - the author didn't separate a conversation by lines, periods or quotation marks. It's a long run on sentence with commas, but they don't always indicate when the speaker changes. The narrator also referrers to himself (it has a masculine tone) in the third person plural (we).
I was also given another book as a grad present entitled "The Inner Game of Music" by Barry Green and W. Thomas Gallwey. It's about what you should be thinking when you practice, perform etc. It sounds really interesting, so I think I'll start it later this evening. In case you're wondering, this goes under "Books to Read This Summer Before College" list.
At this point, I'm feeling rather blah, which means I should probably go to bed early tonight, but I'll stay up doing nothing productive, since that's what I usually do whenever I feel blah. It's a bad habit of mine. Unfortunately, my room is basically clean, and when I don't feel like doing anything, I will sometimes clean (in addition to staying up late).

Speaking of college (referring back a couple of paragraphs), I recently had a new look at what's happening. I've been so excited, because I finally am going to get to spend time doing what I love - music - and not have it be a sort of side thing compared to the "more important" studies. I've been so excited to get into an environment that is both Christian friendly and music friendly, and I still am. But I also realized that for all I'm gaining, (and I'm gaining a lot, I'm not going to go into all that) I'm also losing a lot. And what I'm losing are the things that have been my life for the past few years. I'm losing marching band and being a drum major. I'm losing being part of a 2 person music class. I'm losing being part of musical theatre, especially HC's renown pits. I'm losing being part of a jazz band where it doesn't matter if you can actually play or instrument or not - it's all about the donuts. I'm losing being so close to the teachers they forget I'm a student. I'm losing the deep friendships I've built over the past four years. I'm leaving everything that's been comfortable. I know I'm going to love it at Houghton and it's going to be so much fun, but it's still going to be hard leaving this piece of me behind.

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