Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Randomness should definitely been a word. Since it describes my life.

I did take the 5-hr course with Jenna. We had a "great" time. 5 hours of someone telling you all the way you're going to die in a car. "In this room, 6 people will have a serious accident shortly after passing their road test". Don't I feel good about myself right now.

The 4th of July was spent waiting to see if it was going to stop raining or not. It didn't. So I spent most of my time watching "A Capitol Fourth" on PBS and then watched some other random stuff on TV.

On the 5th, we celebrated the 4th. This included playing with the Community Band at the Stadium before the fireworks, then watching the fireworks. They were pretty good this year. Although I doubt anything will ever top the ones from Corning Inc's 150th anniversary. Those were great. Then it took us about 35 minutes to get home. That's about 3 times as long as it normally does. I would say it was almost as bad as the East-West game.

On Friday the 6th the IB scores came out. Yippie! I actually did well on the Math SL exam. I got a 4/7!!! And that's with not understanding anything the entire year!! Unfortunately, I heard that 9 out of 13 senior diploma students failed the TOK essay and that there were a ton of Cs on the Extended Essay. This is not looking good. And the Chem students don't have their scores due to some information missing. Which really stinks for them.

On Saturday I went to Soulful Cup with Sarah Jane for a nice, relaxing chat. I love just getting some hot chocolate (I don't do coffee) and hanging out there.

On Sunday I went and saw Nancy Drew at the Palace with Sarah and Sarah Jane. It was a pretty good movie (I still liked the books better than the movie, but that's just me). Then we got to see all the pictures from Sarah's trip to Spain and here all the great stories. It was great getting to see her again (okay, so I hadn't seen her for about 2 weeks....that's still a long time!!!)

Then Monday was Dorothy's 16th Birthday!! Happy Birthday! So I saw a whole different group of people on that day. We went to Atlas and then to the Fountain. And I refused to get wet.

So I've been rather social as of late. Today I went to the doctor's to get a shot, had ice cream from Hokey Pokey's (or is it Hockey Pokeys) for brunch, and then had my clarinet lesson. I finally got my new clarinet!! My teacher had a guy do some repair work on it and it works great! I love it. And I am a geek.

Tomorrow is the first Freshman Intro. I can't wait to see all the scared little freshmen. I guess I'm going to try my best to be nice to them that way they don't drop out before band camp. (Even though I'm not actually scary, mean or intimidating)

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