Friday, June 22, 2007


Congrats to the EHS Class of 2007!!! You guys have been great and I'm really gonna miss you : (

Even though your graduation was FREEZING cold, it was the most fun I've had at a graduation yet. Between trying to turn/hold pages of the pianists, Sarah making me laugh, making faces at Katie Chase, Benson making faces at me everytime the music stand almost hit my face (this happened 3 times), everyone sounding terrible (as usual) and everyone waiting to see what Wilson was going to do ("I love you Mom!"), it was a lot of fun. Very cold, but a lot of fun.

On a different note entirely, I finished my World Lit papers yesterday. And I dropped them off @ Caulfield's house (she lives on my weird is that?!). Today I went in and sorted through all the uniforms with my mom. Benson did bring us donuts (to make it feel like a jazz band morning) and my mom bought me white hot chocolate. And Benson did tell me that he found where Jenna and I tried to hide the evil Christmas tree costumes. They're back in their proper place now, ready to torture the DMs for another year.

I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE A SENIOR!!!!!!! I'm totally freaking out about it. It doesn't seem like the first major portion of my life has passed me by. And there's no way that I'm entering my 12th year of education. Or supposed education. Especially since I feel like I'm just beginning to get to know so many of my classmates. And it feels like freshman year band camp was just yesterday. I still remember being really scared of it all until I found Sarah F. "Hey- weren't you the girl who sat second chair to me in the elementary school band?". Hahahaha--honestly, I didn't mean to sound condescending, but other than Jeremy, she was the only person I knew (okay, so I barely knew her). Since then I've met many more people, made many more friends, probably made many more enemies and I've gotten to know so many more people this year it's incredible. And I can't believe I've only got one more year left with all of you! My experiences at EHS have been amazing and I love every single person (okay, well maybe not love love, but you get the idea). Band has been probably the most wonderful experience of them all. It's been great meeting so many new people through that, and I'm gonna miss the people that are dropping out (though I really can't blame them). I can't wait for Florida Trip '08!! And I can't wait to start bossing people around at the Freshman Intros and Band Camp. So, I guess I can't wait for my senior year to start, and despite IB, I've got the feeling it's going to be the best of them all.

So to the seniors who are leaving us-congrats. You survived. Especially the IB DP students. You guys were the lab rats that paved the way. I know I'm going to miss you guys (especially the band kids), and I hope to see you around town (and I know that there are band kids coming back to band camp). Best wishes on the rest of your life!

And to the Class of 2008- Let our senior year begin!

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